announcement: proceedings of symposium PLUS summaries in skt

Thu Mar 5 09:44:43 UTC 2009

I would like to draw your attention to the Sanskrit dictionary in
It has entries such as computer, computer mouse, log in/out, coffee,  
chocolade, etc.
Best wishs
Eli Franco

> I would think that since Sanskrit creates abstractions with great  
> ease, it would be more reasonable to invent words for these (at  
> least arguably) abstract entities from Sanskrit roots and vocabulary  
> rather than to borrow the English.   They aren't like Realien like  
> "coffee."  Anyway, modern languages differ radically in the extent  
> to which they expand vocabulary by borrowing rather than by  
> translation, invention from native vocabulary, calqueing, or the  
> like, don't they?
> Allen Thrasher
> "I wonder, does Dr. Srinivas Varakhedi and his team also have words for
> computer, computational, unicode fonts, printer, word strings, parser,
> recursive, and regular expressions? Personally, if I would have to do the
> job, I would have considered these terms loan-words, as most living
> languages do today. Same with submodern items like coffee and train.
> Alexandra van der Geer
> Athens"

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