
Benjamin Fleming fleming_b4 at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 29 14:03:55 UTC 2008

I should add that I was successful on accessing the pdf files on my Mac
through Firefox. These pdfs are quite readable!



On 8/29/08 8:00 AM, "Peter Wyzlic" <pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE> wrote:

> Am Freitag, den 29.08.2008, 06:43 -0400 schrieb George Cardona:
> Concerning: http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/
>> Dear Dominik, When I went to the site a few moments ago, all I found is a
>> blank page. Perhaps it's because of my using Safari, but I'd welcome
>> clarification from others.  Thanks, George
> You may go to the font troubleshooting page that should be readable for
> all browsers: http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/ifont.htm
> There is no hint how to deal with Safari in Mac OS. One solution might
> be you download the Devanagari Truetype font (go to "download fonts" and
> "Linux users") and try to install. The download link is:
> http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/ttf/DVYG0ntt.ttf
> This website uses so called "dynamic fonts", this is a technology that
> came up in the nineties and worked with some versions of some web
> browsers but not in others. In my opinion, it becomes more and more
> obsolete. They should switch to Unicode encoding which is more
> state-of-the-art.
> Hope it helps
> Peter Wyzlic

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