Sanskrit Software

Michael Zimmermann Michael.Zimmermann at UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Sat Dec 15 19:53:14 UTC 2007

 Hello, you might want to try IndoLipi (freeware) which offers:

 Open Type fonts for almost all Indian scripts, 
 a Latin font for "instant" transliteration of Indic scripts, 
 a Unicode based Latin font for writing of scientific texts in a western  
language containing all transliteration signs used by indologists as well as 
all presently valid IPA signs (this font is also Open Type regarding exact 
positioning of IPA diacritics), 
 western (English and German) keyboard layouts for Indic scripts for users who 
find it difficult to use Indian keyboard layouts, 
 an MS Word template with helpful macros for easy use of OT fonts and for 
transliteration into Latin script. 

Download from:


Michael Zimmermann
Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut

Quoting Harsha Dehejia <harshadehejia at HOTMAIL.COM>:

> Friends:
> I have had an inquiry from a Vedic scholar in California and he writes:
> "I would like to create a professional software package, an 'add-on' that
> operates directly within Microsoft Office. Such software would give users a
> common platform for efficiently typing Sanskrit from a Romanized (English)
> keyboard directly into MSWord. Users would be able to do so in Devanagari or
> transliteration, or by toggling from one to the other. My hope is to
> distribute such a package free of cost over the internet and, in doing so,
> create a common platform for all who create full or part-Sanskrit documents,
> publish them, or simply use them. Academic or student, mystic or pragmatist,
> Westerner or Indian, if someone has MSWord, they'll be able to use what I
> envision. "
> Does anyone know if this exists?  If not what shall I tell him. He seems
> sincere.
> Regards and Season's Greetings.
> Harsha
> Harsha V. Dehejia
> Professor of Indian Studies, Carleton University
> Ottawa, ON. Canada.

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