'Hindu' stamp - correction

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Sat Mar 11 14:03:56 UTC 2006

Correction: the words I have attributed to Kallidai may not be his. 
They are part of a general summary of the opinions who those who do 
not like the stamp.

Valerie J Roebuck

At 1:52 pm +0000 11/3/06, Valerie J Roebuck wrote:

>I have just been asked a question about a controversy that has 
>persisted since last November, and wonder whether anyone on this 
>list may be able to help.  The matter concerned last year's UK 
>Christmas stamps, which showed six different representations of the 
>Madonna and Child, all intended to be from different cultures:

>...According to Kallidai, 'The image features a man with a "tilak" 
>marking on his forehead, identifying him as a Vaishnava Hindu, while 
>the woman has the traditional "kumkum" mark on her forehead 
>identifying her as a married Hindu woman.'

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