'Hindu' stamp - correction

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Sat Mar 11 18:56:08 UTC 2006

You can see the whole set of stamps on this page:


and a bigger one of the 'Hindu' stamp on this page:


At 7:34 am -0800 11/3/06, Dean Anderson wrote:

>Is there a picture of the stamp available somewhere?

My impression of the date was the same as Joanna's:

At 9:17 am -0700 11/3/06, jkirk wrote:
>The tilak on the man's forehead could be a slim version of a 
>Vaisnava mark in that it's vertical, but very attenuated and not 
>typical. (Strikes me as an artist's fancy.) (It's certainly not a 
>full fledged Vaisnava tilak mark). The general style of the picture 
>strikes me as [19th]-early 20th c, along the lines of Chughtai or 
>the Bengal School.


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