A Garuda Purana question
Richard Salomon
rsalomon at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Wed Apr 19 17:05:28 UTC 2006
Ashok's remarks make me wonder if this is related in any way to the curious
term "mleccaacaarya" which occurs (I think) in the Mahaabhaarata. I studied
this expression many years ago (but never published the results), and I
don't remember the details off hand. But I could try to dig up my old notes
if anyone is interested.
Richard Salomon
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashok Aklujkar" <aklujkar at INTERCHANGE.UBC.CA>
To: <INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: A Garuda Purana question
Dear Dr. Palaniappan,
I cannot answer your question regarding the commentators' explanations (I do
not even know if the GMP has any commentators).
Grammar requires that yasmin and yati.h of your passage should be read
respectively as yo 'syaam (= ya.h asyaam = ya.h asyaa.m bhaktau/bhaktyaam)
and yaati.
The passage is important for its liberal outlook. It teaches that even a
mleccha having certain qualities should be treated like a saint, a brahmin
and God himself (apparently at least a few Hindus followed this valuation;
some Hindu saints are spoken of as disciples of Muslim fakirs or Sufis).
The phrase tasmai deya.m tato graahyam is grammatically two sentence: 'One
should make offerings to him; one should take things from him (without
worrying about pollution etc.?).' While I do not know if it occurs
elsewhere, I would expect it to be an easily formable phrase not having any
special role to play as a unit.
Hope this helps.
ashok aklujkar
On 18-04-2006 13:32, "Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan" <Palaniappa at AOL.COM> wrote:
> Dear Indologists,
> The Garuda Maha Puranam 227.9-10 I am looking at has the following text:
> bhaktiraSTavidhA hyeSA yasmin mleccho Opi varttate||
> sa viprendromuniH zrImAn sa yatiH paramAM gatim||
> tasmai deyaM tato grAhyaM sa ca pUjyo yathA hariH||
> This could be in 219.6-10 in other versions. Can anybody tell me how
> "tasmai
> deyAM tato grAhyaM" is explained by different commentators? Does this
> phrase
> occur anywhere else prior to Garuda Purana? What is the date of this
> particular line?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> S. Palaniappan
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