chinese website

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Wed Nov 16 11:15:31 UTC 2005

Yesterday I downloaded a 200+ mb file "fahua.rar" from this website, but I have no idea what program will open this ".rar" file.  Any suggestions?
Madhav M. Deshpande


From: Indology on behalf of Arlo Griffiths
Sent: Wed 11/16/2005 5:48 AM
Subject: chinese website

Dear colleagues,

The following website of the Chinese "Research Institute of Sanskrit 
manuscripts & and Buddhist Literature" has just been brought to my 
attention: <>. It may not be an 
evident destination for non-Buddhologists, and that is why I mention 
it here on INDOLOGY, because it offers several collections of 
materials that may be of rather broad utility (e.g. ak.sara lists 
for ;Saaradaa and Nepalese Post-Gupta scripts from two old mss., a 
Khotanese page under construction).

Arlo Griffiths

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