Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit 2006

Christoph Emmrich christoph.emmrich at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Wed Nov 16 10:48:24 UTC 2005

Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit 2006

The Department of Classical Indology at the South Asia Institute 
Heidelberg/Germany announces the Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit from 01.08.- 
26.08.06 and the Advanced Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit from 04.09.- 
22.09.06, which are organized here in Heidelberg for the 7th time. 

Both courses will be held under the guidance of Dr. Sadanada Das, a Sanskrit 
native speaker from Benares and an experienced Sanskrit teacher. The 
participants will learn to listen carefully, to pronounce accurately and to 
slowly speak and recite this beautiful language.

Prerequisites: elementary Sanskrit and English
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels
Venue: South Asia Institute, Heidelberg/ Germany
Deadlines: application May 15, 2006, payment June 30, 2006
Fee: Euro 300,- (incl. teaching materials)
Accommodation: hostel on request, approx. Euro 200,-
Applications by email: kathleen.goegge at
Applications by mail: “Sanskrit Summer School”, The Secretariat Dept. of 
Classical Indology
		           	South Asia Institute
			Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
			69120 Heidelberg

For further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Kathleen Goegge

Department of Classical Indology
Head: Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49(0)6221-54 49 07
Fax: +49(0)6221-54 63 38
e-mail: kathleen.goegge at

Application form
- Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit 
- Advanced Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit
(please tick)

Name (last, first)
Date of Birth
Residential Address
Telephone / Fax (including National Code)
Degree / Subjects
Years of Sanskrit
Texts read
Previous courses in spoken Sanskrit (place, date, teacher, content)
Other Languages (modern and classical)
Accommodation required

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