Publication of Tantrikabhidhanakosa II

Marion Rastelli marion.rastelli at OEAW.AC.AT
Wed Oct 20 12:28:34 UTC 2004

It is my pleasure to announce the following publication:

Tantrikabhidhanakosa II. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la 
littérature hindoue tantrique - A Dictionary of Technical Terms from 
Hindu Tantric Literature - Wörterbuch zur Terminologie hinduistischer 
Tantren - sous la direction de H. BRUNNER, G. OBERHAMMER, A. PADOUX. 
(Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische 
Klasse, Sitzungsberichte 714 = Beiträge zur Kultur- und 
Geistesgeschichte Asiens 44). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie 
der Wissenschaften, 2004. Price: EUR 55,40.

The book is the second volume of a dictionary to the technical 
terminology of the literature of Hindu tantrism hitherto ignored in 
Sanskrit lexicography. Continuing the policies established in the first 
volume published by the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in 
2000, it provides translations of Sanskrit terms into French, English 
and German, explanations covering their meaning and usage, and 
references to Saiva and Vaisnava primary sources. The main authors, 
besides the editors, are D. Goodall, T. Goudriaan, M. Rastelli and J. 
Törzsök. Other collaborators are Ch. Bouy, G. Colas, M. 
Cerniak-Drozdzowicz and R. Torella. This second volume comprises some 
730 entries to the letters k to d (cerebral) of the Sanskrit alphabet, 
together with introductory comments by the editors and Corrigenda et 
Addenda to the first volume. Three further volumes are planned.

For online order see 

For detailed information on the Tantrikabhidhanakosa project see

Yours sincerely,
Marion Rastelli

Mag.Dr. Marion Rastelli
Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Strohgasse 45/2/4
A-1030 Wien
Tel. ++43-1-51581-6417
Fax ++43-1-51581-6427

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