History of Sanskrit studies

Christian Coseru christian.coseru at ANU.EDU.AU
Mon Nov 1 21:46:23 UTC 2004

Some additions to the works already mentioned by others:

Rocher, Rosane, Alexander Hamilton, 1762-1824; A Chapter In The Early 
History Of Sanskrit Philology, New Haven, American Oriental Society, 

Windisch, Ernst, Geschichte der Sanskrit-Philologie und Indischen 
Altertumskunde / von Ernst Windisch Berlin : De Gruyter, 1992

Indianisme et bouddhisme, mélanges offerts à  Mgr Etienne Lamotte, 
Institut Orientaliste Louvain la Neuve  1980

Raghavan, V, Sanskrit and allied Indological studies in Europe, with 
foreword by A.L.Mudaliar Univ. of Madras, Madras. University. Sanskrit 
Series no.22  1956

Helmut Eimer, Indology and Indo-Tibetology : thirty years of Indian and 
Indo-Tibetan studies in Bonn = Indologie und Indo-Tibetologie : 
dreissig Jahre indische und indo-tibetische Studien in Bonn

Sengupta, Gauranga Gopal, Indology and its eminent western savantas : 
collection of biographies of western Indologists foreword by A.L. 
Basham Calcutta : Punthi-Pustak, 1996

Henri de Lubac, Le rencontre du bouddhisme et de l'occident (giving a 
catholic perspective but quite informative on the early missionary 

and on the philosophical side

Roger-Pol Droit,  L'oubli de l'Inde : une amnésie philosophique, Paris 
: Presses Universitaires de France, 1989

Christian Coseru

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