compounds of opposites?

Matthew Kapstein mkapstei at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Thu Sep 4 13:31:51 UTC 2003

I suppose that Jonathan's question requires a finer specification
of just what sort of "compound of opposites" is at stake.
Cmpds. denoting the totality of opposed categories are
rather common: e.g.,
Perhaps even naamaruupa- is an example.

Occasionally, too, we find cmpds. that, under one or another
description, can be taken as oxymorons:
comes to mind as an instance.

It seems to me that the interesting feature Jon is concerned
with, then, may not be in fact the union of opposites per se, but
rather the somewhat problematic category of nityasamaasa.
If I'm correct about this, the better way to formulate his
question may be: what other examples do we have in which
nityasamaasa-s are formed on paired opposites?

Matthew Kapstein

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