compounds of opposites?

Jonathan Silk silk at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Thu Sep 4 05:09:16 UTC 2003


Twice in the Divyaavadaana (Cowell and Neil 1886: 254.22, 483.25)
occurs the word v.rddha-yuvatii, glossed by the editors, apparently
only contextually, once as midwife, again as procuress. When we have
a parallel in the Vinayavibhanga of the Muulasarvaastivaada Vinaya in
Tibetan (bud med rgan mo) and Chinese (lao3-mu3) only, both interpret
simply in the sense of old woman.

Does anyone know of any study of such 'compounds of opposites'? (I
imagine if such a study existed it would be written by Gonda, but I
could be wrong.) Can anyone think of a comperable example?

Many thanks!
Jonathan Silk
Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Center for Buddhist Studies
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
phone: (310)206-8235
fax:  (310)825-8808
silk at

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