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Peter M. Scharf Scharf at BROWN.EDU
Thu Sep 26 23:45:01 UTC 2002

I wrote a Pascal program to implement sandhi according to Paninian
rules, including several optional sandhis in the summer of 1991 and
presented it at the next annual meeting of the Association of Asian
Studies in Washington 1992.  The program was developed to reproduce
the original text from the "padapatha" of texts entered with sandhi
undone for the Database of Sanskrit Grammatical Texts compiled by
George Cardona, Elliot Stern and me under funding from the National
Endowment of the Humanities.  The program has also reproduced the
continuous texts from the padapathas of Ramopakhyana and Visnupurana
on the Sanskrit Library website (  This
program, rewritten using regular expressions, will appear soon in a
cgi script on the Sanskrit Library website.
        Peter Scharf
Peter M. Scharf             (401) 863-2720 office
Department of Classics      (401) 863-2123 dept
Brown University
PO Box 1856                 (401) 863-7484 fax
Providence, RI 02912        Scharf at

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