Indology posting of job (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Thu Oct 10 15:41:05 UTC 2002

---- forwarded message ----

The Rabindranath Tagore Professorship in Indian Cultures and Civilization
And the Directorship of the India Studies Program

Indiana University, Bloomington, announces a national/international search
to fill the Rabindranath Tagore Professorship in Indian Cultures and
Civilization and the Directorship of the India Studies Program, effective
July 1, 2003.

Nominations and applications are invited from senior scholars in any
discipline of the humanities and social sciences, including such fields as
anthropology, art history, cultural studies, economics, folklore,
geography, history, literature, music, philosophy, political science, and
religious studies.

Applicants should have an established and outstanding record of research
and publication as well as considerable administrative experience, since
the Tagore Professor will be tasked with grant-writing and fund-raising as
well as directing the India Studies Program.  The interdisciplinary India
Studies Program offers an undergraduate minor, a certificate program, an
undergraduate major, and a Ph.D. minor in India Studies; it has an
affiliated faculty of eighteen members.  The Program has a substantial
endowment. The Director of India Studies reports directly to the Dean of
the College of Arts and Sciences.  The Tagore Professor also works closely
with the Dean of International Programs and interacts extensively with the
Indian community throughout Indiana.

Applicants should send a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae to
Professor Henry Glassie, Tagore Search Committee Chair, c/o Dean Kumble R.
Subbaswamy, College of Arts and Sciences, Kirkwood Hall 104, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405.

Review of applications begins October 15, 2002 and will continue until the
position is filled.

Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer,
encouraging applications from women and members of minorities.

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