stem (?) of munja grass

Yaroslav Vassilkov yavass at YV1041.SPB.EDU
Fri Mar 22 16:40:16 UTC 2002

Dear colleagues,
        in the AnugItA (Mbh 14, 19.21-22) and in other SAMkhyayic
texts a comparison is used which refers to some structural
peculiarity of the munja grass which remains unclear to me. It is
said, in particular:

iSIkAM vA yathA munjAt kazcin nirhRtya darzayet  /
yogI niSkRtam AtmANaM yathA saMpazyate tanau  // 19.21
munjaM zarIraM tasyA' hur iSIkAm Atmani zritam  / 19.22ab

        As far as I can understand this and similar contexts, the object of comparison is
the stem of the munja grass, which is hidden from sight somehow (is probably deep
inside the blade of grass). If a man happens to cut or tear the leaf and take the
stem out once, then he knows where the stem hides in the blade, can 'see' it and
show it to others. In the same way the yogin who obtained once the vision of
Atman inside himself, from that moment is able to see it not only inside himself,
but probably also in the bodies of other living beings.

        Has anybody seen the munja grass? Could not you explain the structure of this plant?
Is the stem really hidden inside its blade or stalk or something? Maybe you know a book
containing a picture of the plant and/or its description?

        Many thanks in advance.
                                                        Yaroslav Vassilkov

Yaroslav Vassilkov (yavass at
Institute of Oriental Studies
Fri, 22 Mar 102 18:38 +0300 MSK

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