doha by rahim

Dick Plukker D.Plukker at INTER.NL.NET
Sun Mar 25 21:02:40 UTC 2001

At 17:06 19-3-01 +0530, you wrote:
>There is a small book on Rahim, written by Vijayendra Snatak,and published
>by Sahitya Akademi,New Delhi,1990. It contains the following couplet by Rahim:
>Ochhon kaam barhey karen,to na barhai hoye
>Jyon Rahim Hanumant ko, Giridhar kahe na koye.
>Is the first line correct?

In 'rahiim ke dohe', published by the 'raa.s.trabhaa.saa pracaar samiti,
vardhaa', 1978, dohaa 121 reads:

cho.te kaama kare.m, to na ba.raaii hoi;
jyo.m rahiima hanuma.mta kaha/, giradhara kahe na koi.

Metrically correct, gives sense, but might well be a lectio facilior: the
common 'cho.te' (small,little) for 'ocho.m' (insignificant), the ending of
which is not clear to me.

Dick Plukker

India Instituut,

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