Anand M. Sharan asharan at ENGR.MUN.CA
Fri Sep 29 13:44:31 UTC 2000

I think we are wasting a lot of time here going after Rajaram and not
making efforts in deciphering the Indus script . Rajaram possibly has done
wrong, if he intentionally tried to falsify things . It does not mean we go
on crucifying some one.

I posted on my web about the Migration of Indus People where the
decipherment by Pathak and Verma was mentioned . It was a genuine work on
decipherment . I did not see any one intending to pursue on that line.

It is an interesting problem for those linguists who take the decipherment
seriously . That work shows that Indus people went every where, not only to
South India which many think.

I believe that the Indus Valley civilization is a at the substratum of
entire India, and not any particular region.


Anand M. Sharan

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