Arun Gupta suvidya at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Fri Sep 29 14:26:31 UTC 2000

Kak, Frawley and Feuerstein mention in their book that cryptological theory
(with assumptions that they do not state in the book ) shows that for the
Indus script, a minimum string of 20 characters is required to be able to
demonstrate a decipherment ( I guess, "beyond reasonable doubt").

I do not understand the result or the assumptions necessary to derive it.
I imagine that their assumptions include that the language is Sanskrit-like.
I think the results mean that an incorrect decipherment can map short
strings to valid Sanskrit words and phrases with high probability (e.g.,
Rajaram-Jha) and only beyond a certain string length is an incorrect
decipherment likely to be unable to decipher the string to valid Sanskrit.

With more general assumptions, I imagine an even longer text is required to
establish a decipherment.

-arun gupta

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