Horseplay in Harappa

nanda chandran vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 29 10:16:06 UTC 2000

It is indeed amazing how a trifling matter like the "Horseplay of Rajaram"
is being blown up to gigantic proportions by our "secularist" press.

When S Farmer et al went on their witch hunt after "exposing" Rajaram, I
passed it off as mere polemic albeit in obvious bad taste (especially the
embarassing effort to disprove Rajaram's "credentials"). But looks like
their "investigative" efforts have caught the attention of our "comrades" in
India. The fact is that the "spectacular" decipherment of the Indus script
by Rajaram and Jha got very little media attention when it was first
announced. But now that they've been proved wrong, I'm sure that our
secularist press will turn the full glare of the spotlight on them. For
negative publicity and distortion of facts - leave it to the Red Brigade -
they've mastered the art!

Is the refutation of Rajaram's "horseplay" itself enough proof in favour
of the AIT? Is that proof enough that Harappa was Dravidian? Or that
Harappa wasn't Vedic? Or that the Indus script is Dravidian or isn't Vedic?
And does mere non-existence (of horses on seals) prove their physical
non-existence too in IVC?

The anwser is a resounding "NO"! This whole episode only proves the
weakness of Rajaram's argument, but doesn't in anyway undermine the various
questions raised against the "Aryan Theory".

But if my guess is right, our comrades will use this opportunity to damn the
whole attempt at questioning their version of history. They will use this to
justify the AIT, the existance of Dravidian as a seperate entity apart from
the "Aryan" etc

And in this they have the support of "researchers" like S Farmer etc. I am
curious to know what exactly his motivation in this whole matter is?
According to his earlier posts he is not even an Indologist and was only
interested in Indian history in relation to other cultures. But now it looks
like he has turned full time Indologist! So what motivated him to join
forces with M Witzel and spend so much time in refuting Rajaram?

I hope you won't dish out the "integrity and truth" routine to me ... I'm
too cynical to believe in such! Or is it RZ's "love of polemic" that has you
so interested in Indology?

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