Ideological distortions of MSS

Enrica Garzilli garzilli at SHORE.NET
Thu Sep 7 10:51:05 UTC 2000

For those of you who read Italian:
You can compare with *Aforismi dello Yoga (YogasUtra) by Patanjali*,
transl. by Paolo Magnone -- Torino: Promolibri, 1991 -- Pp. 183, ITL
It has been translated into Italian with the commentary RajamArtaNDa of
the king Bhoja (11st cent.), which accompanies each verse.
(There are two other translations into English of Bhoja's commentary,
both of the last century and somehow incomplete: by J. R. Ballantyne and
G. Z. Deva in 1852-1868, and by R. Mitra in 1883).
You can read the English presentation of the book in


Dr. Enrica Garzilli
Dept. of Philosophical and Linguistic Sciences
University of Perugia
Piazza Morlacchi, 11 -06123 Perugia, Italy
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Tantric Studies
Journ. of S. Asia Women Studies

Peter Freund wrote:
>     The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali may not be the ideal text for such a
> study.  The text has been preserved rather rigidly by its inclusion in the
> body of Vyasa's commentary on the Yoga Sutras.  All of the main published
> recensions have Vyasa's commentary as their source, and do not seem to
> diverge greatly.  If you compare the many published texts of the Yoga Sutras
> you will find that the only divergence stems from disagreement as to which
> words and phrases in the body of Vyasa's work are the original sutras, and
> which are Vyasa's commentary.

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