History of Mughalstan
Robert Zydenbos
zydenbos at GMX.LI
Sun Sep 3 19:44:47 UTC 2000
> Samar Abbas wrote:
> >Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote: "It is highly anachronistic to apply the
> > > notion of IQ to peoples who did not think of such a thing..."
> >
> > That intelligence is partly inherited was well-known to the ancients
> :
> >"Jewish success has depended on the evolution of a highly intelligent
> >group of people using eugenics...Europeans have...an average IQ of 103
> >versus the average Jewish IQ of 117"
> > - [ http://home.att.net/~nuenke/mac.htm
> ]
> > So this is just another common thread between Europe and India.
> [...]
Perhaps it is worth noting here that the IQ, as several psychological and
anthropological researchers have pointed out (cf., e.g., a Penguin book with
a dozen essays that appeared approx. 30 years titled _Race, Culture and
Intelligence_), stresses certain kinds of mental abilities, and that too in a
way that is very modernly Western (with an emphasis, e.g., on certain verbal
skills). The authors argue that a person from outside the contemporary West,
who has not had a modern Western-type education, is destined to score not
too well (as would also have been the case with Westerners in previous
centuries). So perhaps we should not lay too much stress on those numbers called
Prof. Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Institut f�r Indologie und Iranistik
Universit�t M�nchen
E-mail zydenbos at gmx.de
Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net
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