History of Mughalstan

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 3 19:14:51 UTC 2000

Samar Abbas wrote:

>Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote: "It is highly anachronistic to apply the
> > notion of IQ to peoples who did not think of such a thing..."
>   That intelligence is partly inherited was well-known to the ancients :
>"Jewish success has depended on the evolution of a highly intelligent
>group of people using eugenics...Europeans have...an average IQ of 103
>versus the average Jewish IQ of 117"
>                                - [ http://home.att.net/~nuenke/mac.htm ]
>  So this is just another common thread between Europe and India.

Mr. Abbas,

You share company with people who are possibly worse than the authors of The
Bell Curve. The website you quote above is from someone whose "mission" is
to "breed an improved human species through purposefully directed
evolution." In short, eugenics, now touted as a "scientific" and "secular"
way out of cultural and political problems in the world. Exactly how this
"breeding" is to be done is unspecified. Apparently, mankind never learns
from its past. And apparently, people without training in the bio-sciences
are not aware of how many scientists are totally against eugenetic twists of
genetic research.

Anyway, your argument remains anachronistic. That some contemporary
ignoramus has opinions identical to yours does not make your argument valid.
Moreover, by any standard of contemporary measurement of material and
economic success, Europeans with their lower average IQ have done as well
as, or even better than, the higher IQ Jews. It is not as if European Jews
dominated the European renaissance and the industrial revolution and the
explosion of scientific research in the last 500 years or more.

Do you realize what your stand implies, for India and for Brahmins, who
apparently have "higher IQ, as a result of genetic inheritance"? And would
you care to extend your argument to the contemporary Muslim and Christian
Arabic neighbours of the Jewish nation? Europe is no longer important for
Jewish culture. Israel and USA are the societies you need to apply your
argument to.


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