Regarding indology and intuitive knowledge

Bob Peck rpeck at NECA.COM
Tue Oct 24 11:08:29 UTC 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: nanda chandran <vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: Regarding indology
>Why should it be so? Afterall we all converse in the same language,
>right? If I claim something and I'm wrong, somebody just has to
>show why - based on reason and factual evidence. Will merely applying
>to some supposed authority on the subject because he differs in his
>views, suffice?
>Here we come to the crux of the problem. There are two positions
>- intuitive and analytical. The one who would combine both is ideally
>an Indian Indologist.

One serious limitation I found was that Indians tend to identify their
center of being within their chest whereas Westerners identify their center
as being in their head. Similarly the Indian source of vitality lies within
the guts rather than in the chest. Does not this basic difference lead to
differences in interpreting literature?

Bob Peck

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