Impact of mantra recital on health

Alok Kumar kumar at OSWEGO.EDU
Tue May 9 21:21:26 UTC 2000

Krishna R wrote:
"My only regret has been that recently the group has seemingly split into two --
with the amateurs splitting away from the professionals. From my own (relatively
short) experience as a researcher, I have always found that answering an
amateur's seemingly trivial question can actually help one to understand the
strengths and weaknesses of one's own arguments. Also, I find that now there is
no one to dumb down the argument so that I can understand it too."

I completely agree with R. Krishna's view on the exclusion of amateurs from
participation on the list.  Apart from the reasons listed by him, it is
essential to sustain and upgrade the public interest in Indology for our own
sake.  Sharing knowledge is as essential as acquiring the knowledge.  Socrates,
Aristotle, Galileo, Darwin, Einstein, and Feynman are famous for their scholarly
thinking and for reaching out to society. Some of them even had to pay a big
price--lost their lives in the process.  The decline of India as a great
civilization started when knowledge was restricted to some selected people.

I have no intention of starting a debate on the issue.  However, I feel
distressed with the split.  The distress is not for any personal reason, it is
for the growth of the subject matter we deal with on this list.
Alok Kumar

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