Dravidian origins

Vanbakkam Vijayaraghavan vijay at VOSSNET.CO.UK
Mon Dec 18 14:36:20 UTC 2000

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 06:21:12 -0800, Swaminathan Madhuresan
<smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> Sanskrit persists in the pop culture of Europe, To check with
> the situation on the ground in India Dravidian studies with instituitional
> support will help, but those endowments are very rare.

Why look for presumably western endowments.? Parties calling
themselves 'dravidian' have been in existence for half a century with the
public exchequer in their control.'Dravidian' varsities have been
established, dozens have immolated themselves with petrol in an imagined
attempt to 'save' Tamil and millions have been moved to think positively
of 'dravidian' languages.

If all this does not help Dravidian studies, why depend upon western

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