Unpleasant quarrels

Bjarte Kaldhol bjartekal at AH.TELIA.NO
Thu Dec 14 22:51:33 UTC 2000

Dear listmembers,

Lynken Ghose wrote: "I am afraid that, even in attempting to express
something, I may fall into the same trap as most people do: creating one's
own form of fundamentalism."

Is it really "fundamentalism" to ask for politeness and good manners? Those
who are here just to quarrel should simply be removed. I have for some
years been a member of a few academic lists and witnessed a few disputes,
but nothing like the very unpleasant personal attacks and insults on this

Even fundamentalists could be tolerated if they were good-humoured.

Regarding dispassionateness: Nobody can be totally dispassionate. Passion
is a wonderful motive power and is often discernible even in excellent
writers. Dry, academic contributions are not what I ask for in order to
find this list interesting, and even mild irony should be tolerated, but
please be polite and try to create some positive sentiments from time to
time! We are all human beings and like to be cheered up by smiling people.
As it is now, my door is banged open by rude people shouting slogans and
swearwords every day, as if a war was going on.

Dear listmembers, please remember that when you send something to this
list, it will be there in the archive forever, with your name attached to

Best wishes,
Bjarte Kaldhol,

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