Unpleasant quarrels

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at APPLEONLINE.NET
Fri Dec 15 08:32:35 UTC 2000

I agree with Bjarte Kaldhol.  It's becoming a rather disagreeable chore,
rather than a pleasure, to open the Indology email.

>Is it really "fundamentalism" to ask for politeness and good manners?

>please be polite and try to create some positive sentiments from time to
>time! We are all human beings and like to be cheered up by smiling people.
>As it is now, my door is banged open by rude people shouting slogans and
>swearwords every day, as if a war was going on.
>Dear listmembers, please remember that when you send something to this
>list, it will be there in the archive forever, with your name attached to

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

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