Bhatt/Info on Hemachandra/Tamil-Prakrit

Yaroslav Vassilkov yavass at YV1041.SPB.EDU
Tue Apr 11 16:48:30 UTC 2000

Dear Professor Witzel,
        could not you recommend any literature on the Gandhari Prakrit
        (grammar, dictionary - anything). I hope it may help me to read
        one seal inscription from Central Asia.
        Thanks in advance.
                                        Yaroslav Vassilkov

>   They used Gandhari, a Prakrit much further 'down the road' towards
> New Indo-Aryan than Pali.

>  Gandhari Prakrit was used first in inscriptions! See G. Fussman's long
> paper  in C. Caillat, Dialectes dans les litteratures indiennes, Paris 1989

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