Wilson and the Padma Purana?

Sergei schms060 at MAIL.UNI-MAINZ.DE
Mon Nov 15 10:30:37 UTC 1999

> The list of Nag Publishers I have gives the following information:
> "Matsya Mahapurana (Text with English translation and notes) --
> N. S. Singh". Are you really sure that this work is by Wilson?
> Peter Wyzlic

Dear Peter Wyzlic,

        I have here before me the first volume of the 2-volume edition of the
Matsya Purana published by Nag Publishers (First Edition, 1983). As far as I
understand, N.S. Singh is the publisher, but the translator is H.H. Wilson.
At least the preface was written by him. But "Irren ist menschlich", so that
I can be well wrong.

Your ever well-wisher,
Sergei Schmalz.

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