
Michael Witzel witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Mar 17 03:36:33 UTC 1999

At 22:49 +0500 3/15/99, Bh.Krishnamurti wrote:
Thanks for straightening me out on some of the P-Drav. and N/CentralDrav.

and to C.R. Selvakumar for further examples.

PS:  I forgot to mention that Kalaapa is already attested in Panini
(whenever he actually lived); Kalpaapa is the name of hte founder of a
Black Yajurveda school (that of the MaitrAyaNIya), mentioned by him next to
that of the KaTha and Caraka.

Bird names for Vedic teachers are not altgether rare (see Studien zur
Indologie und Iranistik, vol. 10 (1983/85), pp.  231-237), e.g.    Tittiri:
TaittirIya, Haridru : Haridravika, etc.
More on bird, souls, urns, etc . later.


Michael Witzel                          Elect. Journ. of Vedic Studies
Harvard University                  www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs
my direct line (also for messages) :  617- 496 2990
home page:     www.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/mwpage.htm

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