looking for article

birgit kellner Birgit.Kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Mon Jun 14 07:30:19 UTC 1999

thanks to George Cardona for providing the full publication details of
the Aklujkar-article that I was looking for.

Now, here is my next question. Unfortunately, the volume in question
appears to be unavailable at Austrian university libraries. So I am
looking for someone who has it at hand and would be willing to mail me a
copy of said article (details given below) ... in which case, please
contact me via private e-mail ...

Ashok Aklujkar: 'Praamaa.nya in the philosophy of the grammarians',
Studies in Indology:
Professor Rasik Vihari Joshi Felicitation Volume ..., Delhi: Shree
Publishing House, 1988-1989, pp. 15-28.


Birgit Kellner
Institut fuer Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde / Universitaet Wien
Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies / Vienna University

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