Earliest Autobiography

lucinda bell belllu at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Mon Jun 14 08:38:56 UTC 1999

For a 17th century autobiography in Brajbhasha (completed AD 1641) see
Banarsidas's Ardhakathanaka translated into English (with original text)
by Mukund Lath as Half A Tale (Rajasthan Prakrit Bharati Sansthan,

Richard Barz

Mandakranta Bose wrote:
>         Can someone on the list tell me when the earliest autobiography
> was written in India? Who wrote it? I would appreciate any information
> anyone might have.
> Mandakranta Bose
> Department of Religious Studies/
> Director, Programme in Inter-cultural Studies in Asia
> Institute of Asian Research
> University of British Columbia
> Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z2
> mbose at interchange.ubc.ca

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