Secular South Asia

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Tue Jun 8 12:50:37 UTC 1999

birgit kellner wrote:
> Occasionally, one offers things to others in order to find out WHETHER they
> are interested, and not presuming already THAT they are interested
> ...anyway, discussing the matter privately could serve the purposes of (a)
> removing this subject from a mailing-list where it does not belong, (b)
> clearing up misunderstandings or removing ignorance.

(a) When people are not interested in a subject then it falls off the
mailing list and no special effort is needed from one subscriber. It is
a poor and lame excuse for some one who  wants to say the last word but
does not want others to respond.
I consider you last sentence an unnecessary ad hominem attack by calling
some one who has different opinion from you as ignorant however
misinformed that person may be in your opinion. The fair solution would
have been to provide the correct information and not resort to name

Have a peaceful and joyous day.

Aditya Mishra
Primary homepage:
ICQ# 1131674 Mediaring Phone # 1-954-746-0442
Fax #:  209-315-8571
Random thought of the day:
        Love your enemies. It makes them so damn mad.

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