rAjalIlAsana in Cambodia?

Mary Storm umadevi at SFO.COM
Tue Apr 27 07:28:46 UTC 1999

Are you familair with the beautiful e. 10th c. silver Manjusri in
lalitasana from central Java? Illustrated in J. Fontein, Sculptures of
Indonesia, 1991.
Hope this might be useful info.
Mary Storm

> rAjalIlAsana is the posture with one leg either freely hanging
>  from a couch or in a cross-legged fashion while the other leg
>  is raised up forming a V-shape and this raised foot is set on the
> couch, Often, the hand is resting on the knee of the lifted leg.
> Cambodia had a King Mahendravarman almost at the same time
> as Pallava Mahendravarman. Their titles were citrasEna and
> citrakArapuli respectively. Jean Boisselier says Khmer
> art was highly influenzed from the art of South India.
> Hence, my question:
> In Cambodia, have any avalokitezvara and/or Shiva sitting in
> rAjalIlAsana ever found??
> Thanks a million for guidance or sources,
> N. Ganesan
> Related: I saw a Gupta period Shiva sitting in rAjalIlAsana.
> Except this rare exception, almost comparable to rare Skanda
> sculptures from Guptan age, I do not know avalokita or siva
> sitting in rAjalIlAsana. Are there any r. Shiva or Avalokita
> from Bengal, U.P., Bihar, Kashmir, Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia?
>   N. Ganesan

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