Learning Sanskrit

Ashish Chandra achandra at WNMAIL.WNDEV.ATT.COM
Fri Nov 20 16:52:27 UTC 1998

Hello Everyone,

I have got a few responses from my earlier query about learning Sanskrit :

I am trying to find a book which will enable me to learn Sanskrit well
enough that I can read our scriptures without much need for translation. In
other words, I would want to interpret them myself. I have studied 5 years
of Sanskrit from grade 6 to 10th but have now forgotten most of it. Can
anyone judge from my level which book will be best suited to learn Sanskrit
or do I have to take instructions by enrolling in a school ? I would
appreciate any help.
Ashish Chandra

I forgot to add that I was looking for a book that would have Hindi as the
other medium i.e. how a Hindi speaking person can learn Sanskrit.

Thanks again in advance

Ashish Chandra

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