Perso-Aryan Hypothesis

Viktor V. Sukliyan madhava at CH1.VSNL.NET.IN
Wed Mar 18 19:05:34 UTC 1998

Hello John,

You are absolutely right regarding present unhealthy situation on the
List,resembling mass bombing of virgins.
Current omnivorous moderators just make powerful speeches with purpose to
massacre their opponents. If they would have a modicum of sense...
It's obvious how modest their means of scholarly argumentation and
comprehension.Modulating for the modulating sake.
Let us await for a soberly implicatum scholarship.

On your 2nd para. I have got some references of people REMOTELY digging
in the same direction. If you like I'll supply you with the stuff privately.

Viktor Sukliyan

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, JR Gardner wrote:

> I'm quite curious as to what sources you base this upon.  I'm very
> interested, but I do not get into the internet debate these days b/c it is
> simply too acrimonious at times-- thuse even intelligent statements get
> lost in the clamor of conflict.
> If there are other scholars/sources considering this, please let me knwo.
> I may not fully understand you position as some the way in which I
> understand english is different from yours, but I think I got the general
> idea, and it is intriguing.  I'd like to read more.  Are you the only
> person pursuing this?
> jrg
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> John Robert Gardner      Obermann Center
> School of Religion         for Advanced Studies
> University of Iowa       University of Iowa
> 319-335-2164             319-335-4034
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It is ludicrous to consider language as anything other
> than that of which it is the transformation.

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