Electronic texts, irt Jan Dvorak.

Anshuman Pandey apandey at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Tue Mar 10 23:25:20 UTC 1998


Jan Dvorak raised an important question in a recent post about whether
there exists a list of available electronic texts. I know that the
Sanskrit Documents Project housed at jaguar.cs.utah.edu maintains such a
list, but the list does not begin to contain them all. TITUS aims to
provide such a list, however, its enumeration of "Indica" texts is far
from being an exhaustive one. Also, the INDOLOGY website has links to
various sites which house electronic texts, but again there are other
links which are absent. There are other such lists spread across the net,
each with links or texts not found on other lists, ie. John Smith's
bombay.oriental.cam.ac.uk server and the kyoto file server upon which
reside the texts of Profs. Yano, Tokunago, Ikari, et al., and John
Gardner's Vedavid.

Are there any opinions as to whether a comprehensive list of Indic
electronic texts ought to be compiled, and whether such a list would be

Anshuman Pandey

On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Jan Dvorak wrote:

> working on a project dealing with the old Indo-Aryan and Dravidian
> literatures we plan to type some texts. I attach a proposed list and ask
> you to let me know if some of them have already been typed anywhere in
> the world. Or is there any center collecting information on available
> electronic texts? Thank you for your responses.

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