The Shiva Hypothesis (fwd)

Paliath Narendran dran at CS.ALBANY.EDU
Mon Mar 9 15:46:01 UTC 1998

> 4. In Flexible Manufacturing Systems i.e. FMS, a very popular
> technique of pictorial modelling is called "Petri net
> theory". I have been told that the "Petri" is related to
> Samskrt "pitr~"(father) . This derivation is obviously far
> fetched,

Petri nets are named after Carl Adam Petri, who invented them
in the early 60's.


P.S. A bibliography of Petri nets is available at

Paliath Narendran
Associate Professor                    URL:
Department of Computer Science         phone: (518)442-3387
University at Albany --- SUNY          fax:   (518)442-5638
Albany, NY 12222

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