science topics

Paul (Kekai) Manansala sac51900 at SACLINK.CSUS.EDU
Sat Mar 7 18:19:24 UTC 1998

On Sat, 7 Mar 1998, Edeltraud Harzer Clear wrote:

> >On March 6, Alok Kumar wrote:
> >>I am a new member to this list.  I teach a course on the contributions of
> >>various ancient civilizations to science at the State University of New
> >>York, Oswego.  I have seen many science textbooks that indicate that the
> >>place-value notations, zero, and the trigonometric function "sin" were
> >>originated in India.  However, I have not seen any recent article that
> >>provides primary references.  Almost all articles provide secondary
> >>references. I would appreciate any help on this issue.
> >
> >See Johannes Bronkhorst, A Note on Zero and the numerical Place-Value
> >System in Ancient India, in: Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, 48:4
> >(1994), p. 1039-42.
> >
> >Best regards
> >
> >   Georg v.Simson
> Another similar title is:
> D. Seyfort Ruegg. "Mathematical and Linguistic Models in Indian Thought:
> The Case of Zero and Sunyata."
> Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sudasiens and Archiv fur indische
> Philosophie. (1978) 22, pp.171-181.
> Best,
> Edeltraud Harzer Clear

In Feb. 1997, the Indian National Science Academy held the "Seminar
on Sunya," at New Delhi, in which numerous papers on this subject were
presented (including one from myself).

You can write Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan at IGNCA or Dr. A.K. Bag at
INSA for a copy of the published papers.

Paul Kekai Manansala

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