Suggestion for new Indo-Iranian linguistics mailing list

Daniel Baum msdbaum at MSCC.HUJI.AC.IL
Tue Jun 16 16:22:06 UTC 1998

If anyone would be interested in subscribing to, and participating in, a new
list, devoted to Indo-Iranian linguistics i.e. Vedic and Avestan phonology,
morphology, syntax and text linguistics, etc. I would be willing to set it
up and look after it.

I personally, as an (apprentice) Indo-Iranist and Vedicist have always felt
that such a list is missing. If anyone else feels the same, I would be happy
to fill the gap.

Daniel Baum
msdbaum at
Home Page
Tel: ++972-2-583-6634; Mob. ++972-51-972-829

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