The Lost Years of Jesus

Amos Nevo amnev at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Feb 22 06:55:19 UTC 1998

>Date:         Fri, 20 Feb 1998 15:54:08 -0800
>Reply-To:     Indology <INDOLOGY at LISTSERV.LIV.AC.UK>
>From:         Mary Storm <umadevi at SFO.COM>
>Subject:      Re: The Lost Years of Jesus
>This is just too wierd and wonderful to pass up.
>I understand that there is apparently a cult in Kashmir dedicated to
>propagation of this belief. It's sort of like the Mormon idea that
>spent time in South America after the Resurrection.
>I think Moses was also supposed to have spent some time in Kashmir as
>well? Anybody know anything about that? There is even a tomb of Moses'
>somewhere ?
>Mary Storm
Dear Ms. Storm,
Many years ago, some Muslim students in Jammu gave me a book to read,
called "Jesus in Heaven on Earth". Unfortunately I don't have the exact
It is a common belief among the mmuslims of pakistan and afganistan (
and also among the Ahmadies living in Israel) that:
1. All Patans and other tribes, are the descendants of the 10 lost
tribes of Israel.
2. jesus, after his resurrection, spent the rest of his life in Kashmir
and the rest of the Northern region.
3. moses, who is called Kaka, also visited kashmir, and they have a
stone there, called "The Kaka Stone", which they believe has some
cnnection to Moses.
How scientific this is, remains to everyone's judjment.

Amos Nevo
14/51 Bolivia St. Jerusalem
fAX. 972 2 6419215
Email: amnev at

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