Madame Blavatsky and the swastika

Erik Hoogcarspel jehms at KABELFOON.NL
Wed Dec 23 19:56:13 UTC 1998

Hi Sergio,

maybe you read the 'Celestine promiss' lately?

Op woensdag, 23-dec-98 schreef Sergio Mascarenhas:

SM> The worst thing that can be done is to think that you can define a
SM> for science, and a place for nonsense. That's the best way to ensure
SM> nonsense keeps prevailing.

Is this a scientific observation or a nonsensical or both? You puzzle me
 BTW I know perfect places for nonse: the pub around the corner and the
church two blocks dwon the road. And a place for science would be the
university, am I missing something? ;-)


  Erik Hoogcarspel           <    jehms at     ><
Boerhaaveln 99b     >
                             <    tl+31.(0)104157097    ><       3112 LE
Schiedam    >
                             <    fx+31.(0)842113137    ><       Holland

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