Indology participants

Lakshmi Srinivas lsrinivas at YAHOO.COM
Fri Aug 7 19:05:29 UTC 1998

---S Krishna  wrote:
> Palaniappan writes:
> >If I am not mistaken, the geographical distribution of Indology
> participants
> >of Indian origin seems to be abnormal in one sense. Most seem to be
> from the pancadrAviDa area. The rest of India seems not to be well
> represented. Is there an explanation for this?>>
> AFAIK, there are many reasons:-) but let us just restrict ourselves to
> the politically correct one..the distribution of states that are
> over-represented are also over-represented in terms of representation
> in the USA( generically speaking outside India).
> Krishna

  I am amazed that an astute observer and Ann Arbor resident such as
Gopi Krishna is so blissfully unaware of this institution called
Patel Stores (the Indian grocery chain in the US) ;-)))

Warm Regards.

Lakshmi Srinivas

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