Shaka and Samvat Era

Haiquan Zhao hzhao at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Sep 25 03:56:25 UTC 1997

> > > I heard that the Shaka Era began in 78 CE, and that one converts from
> > > Shaka Era to CE by adding 78 or 79,  depending on the month.  But this
> > > will make, say July 78 CE, fall in year 0 of Shaka Era.  Is this the
> > > case?

> > Yes, technically.

> Let me put my questions more clear.  If Shaka Era starts in 78CE due to
> some special event in that year,  then why should that year be year 0
> rather than year 1?  We were immediately in 1CE after the supposed birth date
> of Jesus Christ.
> > > And how to convert between Samvat Era and CE and BCE?

> > Samvat begins 57 years before Christ, so you
> > would subtract 57 years from a Samvat date to arrive at the B/CE date;
> I don't know what's the right way to compute,  but I don't think it can
> be same way for both CE date and BCE date,  since 1 CE immediately follows
> 1 BCE(i.e. -1 CE) and we miss 0 CE there.  And my above question also
> applies to Samvat Era.
> Chuck Zhao

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