From Prof.Tokunaga

Yamashita tsutomu h54558 at SAKURA.KUDPC.KYOTO-U.AC.JP
Mon Nov 24 21:57:22 UTC 1997

I relay to members of the list the following message from
Professor Muneo Tokunaga.

> From Muneo Tokunaga, Kyoto

Dear Members,

I am very sorry for having sent a mail to INDOLOGY
to receive an unexpected response from a member.
Perhaps my expression was not appropriate.

The participants from India were all excellent scholars and
the Symposium was very successful in advancing mutual
understanding between Indian and Japanese scholars.
I seem to have over reacted about the very rapidly changing
cultural climate of urban areas in India.

I try to be more careful about the contents and
expression of my mail I will send to INDOLOGY here after.

Muneo Tokunaga

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