Aeronautics in Ancient India?

Narayan S. Raja raja at galileo.IFA.Hawaii.Edu
Fri Jun 27 02:06:54 UTC 1997

> >>>> I am looking for information on aeronautics in ancient
> >>>> India. I am told that there is a book called Brihat Vimana
> >>>> Samahita in Sanskrit.
> >>>
> >>> This text was printed, but there are no manuscripts of the work and it
> >>> must therefore be a fabrication. . . .
> >>
> >>Permit me to assert that the unavailability of evidence is no proof of the
> >>invalidity of what is being claimed, proposed or investigated.
> >
> >Of course! Brilliant! Just because there's no evidence that
> >your grandmother can fly, does not *prove* that she's not
> >an airplane! So *that* is the logical foundation of those

Just a point about logic...

The claim that "there are no manuscripts of the
work and it must therefore be a fabrication"
is not, by itself, logically valid.

E.g., the claim that "there are no photographs of
your great-grandmother and she must therefore not
have existed" is not, by itself, logically valid.  :-)

Take it easy,

Narayan Sriranga Raja.

PS:  This doesn't mean I'm defending the genuineness
     of the "Brihat Vimana Samhita".  Just pointing
     out flawed logic.

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