
Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Fri May 31 12:45:28 UTC 1996

	I am currently looking into the works called Kaarakacakra and the
use of this term.  Bhavaananda's work by this name is the most wellknown
work.  Coward/Kunjunni Raja (The Philosophy of the Grammarians) mention
four other works by this name in their index.  One of these called
Karakacakradiipaprabhaa is a commentary by NaarayaNa on Vararuci's work
called Kaarakacakra.  Coward/Raja refer to the edition published in TSS
33, 1913.  However, the published edition calls the work by the title
Vaararucasamgraha, and makes no mention of the title Kaarakacakra.  The
second work by this title is by an author Ananta and is apparently only
available in ms form (NCat 1. 159).  There are three more works, which are
apparently published, and I wonder if anyone has ever seen these. 

	1. Kaarakacakra of Dharmakiirti is a commentary on Vararuci's 
Kaarakacakra or Prayogamukha, and it has been published by M. Rangacarya 
from Madras in 1927.

	2.  Kaarakacakra of RaamataraNa "SiromaNi.  Howard/Raja mention 
that this is published in 1883-1886, 1888, but give no further details of 

	3.  Kaarakacakra of Puru.sottamadeva.  Howard/Raja do not mention 
this, but I have seen this work mentioned in other sources.

	I have Bhavaananda's work and the Diipaprabhaa on 
Vaararucasamgraha, but have not seen any of the other works.  If you have 
seen any of these, let me know.  I would be interested in getting 
photocopies or order these through interlibrary loan.  Allen Thrasher, 
David Magier, and all those good guys out there ...
	Madhav Deshpande

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