Why not a definitive devnagri font

Eric Geer ericgeer at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 20 01:59:01 UTC 1996

At 03:42 PM 3/19/96 GMT, you wrote:
>kellner at hws.ipc.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Birgit Kellner)  has  recently
>written as follows:
>>Mac or Windows-users. Hence, I would strongly suggest that, until the
>>current lcd is replaced by one which allows for Devanagari, let's stick to
>>the present conventions. 
>That is no convention at all. We do not have any means of
>communicating in Devnagri at all. What you propose translates into "If
>I cannot have it my way :no one else should have it either"
>Have a nice day. 
>Aditya Mishra  

  A possible, if awkward solution to this problem would be to create an 
image file (GIF, JPG, FAX) of the text in whatever script.  Every mailer I
know of can send and receive "attached files", in which these could be sent.
The disadvantage, of course, is that the file would not be treated as editable
or quotable text, but as an image and it would have to be read with some
sort of image viewing program.
(my sole expertise here is as a programmer/comm. consultant)
as ever,
Eric Geer
ericgeer at atl.mindspring.com

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