H-E-L-P! Question about Hindi--a moment

Jaroslav Strnad strnad at site.cas.cz
Wed Jan 24 09:17:25 UTC 1996

"kr.pa"'s scepticism about the methodology is, I think, partly 
unobjectionable; to me, the problem seems to lie not so much in 
the idea itself but rather in the incompleteness of data assembled with the 
help of the present questionnaire. I feel that M. Westcoat may be 
anxious not to deter possible respondents by too detailed questions; let us 
expect somewhat greater patience on the part of interested respondents who 
might be willing to anwer shortly some supplementary questions: their 
laguage background (native region, present contact with the language) and, 
in case that the test sentences are marked 1,2, or 3, the variant that 
the respondent feels to be the correct one. I myself as  compiler of a 
Hindi-Czech dictionary and occassional teacher of this language would be 
interested in the answers, supplemented by these suggested supplementary 
questions or not. Some of the respondents may be interested too.

Jaroslav Strnad
Oriental Institute
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod vodarenskou vezi 4
182 08 Praha 8
e-mail: strnad at orient.cas.cz

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