Holi Discussion Appreciation

Wed Feb 7 21:22:19 UTC 1996

dear friend
Thanks for letting us know that you have visited india for many many years.
I amsure you would have seen how friendly and reasonable the hindus are .
Unfortunately their culture and character is tainted by many indologists by
usage of bad words like chaos etc . while such words  do give a wrong impression
of the character of the hindu society such words when repeated very often even by innocence
 that that is the true character of the hindu society . it is like making 
a lie appear true by repeating it enough times . i hope that true scientific indologista
will avoid using such wrong and unhealthy words  being used against any society ,
not alone hindus , unless it is proved that that society as bad as the 
word chaotic means . that word was used by missionaries to slant 
hindus in a time of their aggressive attacks on non-white cultures and we
as scientists should not lend support to such unfortunate usages even
by innocence .   M.Rajagopalanzz

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